‘O mātou ‘o le fatu ‘o le fa‘amoemoe - Fesili mai! We are the heart of the matter - Ask us! Pācific heritage student views about effective teaching and learning.


  • Lynda Knight-de Blois Primary School
  • Jenny Poskitt Massey University




adolescent voice, culturally-responsive pedagogy, effective learning and teaching, pacific heritage


Teachers often worry about how to optimise learning for students of Paˉcific heritage. To address the concern, this study sought views of junior secondary school students of Paˉcific heritage about what enhanced their learning. An innovative approach was trialled in focus group interviews which involved four Samoan teenagers as research assistants alongside the researcher to draw out participants’ views about what helped them to learn. Data analysis
led to the identification of four themes: engaging teacher behaviour, lessons stimulating learning, positive student-centred relationships, and teachers respecting students’ culture(s). For Paˉcific students, successful learning involves: inclusion of Paˉcific mores and values; sufficient depth and clarity of explanation to ensure students understand new concepts; encouragement; varied and practical learning activities, and strong, respectful relationships between teachers and learners.






Vol 17 Iss 1

How to Cite

‘O mātou ‘o le fatu ‘o le fa‘amoemoe - Fesili mai! We are the heart of the matter - Ask us! Pācific heritage student views about effective teaching and learning. (2016). Kairaranga, 17(1), 3-9. https://doi.org/10.54322/kairaranga.v17i1.199