RTLB Allies to Senior Leaders with Culturally-Relevant and Responsive Pedagogies in English-Medium Schools


  • Natasha Paenga RTLB




culturally-relevant pedagogies, RTLB, school leadership


Senior leaders in English-medium settings have a complex role which includes growing and sustaining cultural capacity within their teams to address the inequities in achievement for Māori. Cultural relevance, in this instance, refers to engagement with
the individual context of each school and the people who come together to form that community. As RTLB working in schools with a wide and varied stakeholder pool, we have positions of influence and support, often across multiple contexts. This small-scale study looked at what we, as RTLB, can do to support the efforts of senior leaders to promote and embed culturally-relevant pedagogies. This study takes a subjectivist (exploring how others make sense of their worlds) and intervening (being agents of change) theoretical approach, with qualitative data being gathered via semi-structured interviews. The data was analysed using a conceptual (thematic) approach. Key findings emerged that highlight the importance of leadership and the skills of coaching and mentoring, and link to the ongoing development of personal professional knowledge.






Vol 22 Iss 1

How to Cite

RTLB Allies to Senior Leaders with Culturally-Relevant and Responsive Pedagogies in English-Medium Schools. (2021). Kairaranga, 22(1), 14-22. https://doi.org/10.54322/kairaranga.v22i1.361